Seattle Public Schools

Ribbon-Cuttings Kick Off School Year

Celebrations Mark Completion of Capital Levy-Funded Construction Projects

For three elementary schools, Sept. 6 wasn’t just the first day of school, it was also the first day of classes in new or renovated school buildings. All three projects were funded by the Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V), which was approved by Seattle voters in 2019.

James Baldwin Elementary School

On Thursday, August 31, 前北门小学庆祝新校舍的落成. As part of the ceremony, 校长妮可·西尔弗为学校的新名字——詹姆斯·鲍德温小学揭幕.

“Our new building was designed around the concept of equity, where students and families would experience a genuine sense of belonging, said Principal Nicole Silver. 詹姆斯·鲍德温是一位活动家和作家,他为自由表达自己的身份而斗争.”

Principal Silver was joined during the ceremony by Dr. Dedy Fauntleroy, the former Northgate principal, who worked closely with the design team in planning the new school building.

“Our heart and soul went into this building,” said Dr. Dedy, as she prefers to be called.

Dr. Brent Jones, superintendent, made the final remarks.

“We are not just celebrating a brand-new building and name,” he said. “更重要的是,我们在庆祝学生们即将在这里学到的东西.”  

Dr. Jones charged everyone present with taking care of the school and the students, saying “This is not just THE school; it is YOUR school.”

Project Highlights

  • This approximately 98,000平方英尺的两层建筑可容纳650名现在和未来的PreK-5年级学生.
  • Colors throughout the building are drawn from a painting by Amy Sherald, 这位黑人女性艺术家为国家肖像画廊绘制了米歇尔·奥巴马的官方肖像.
  • The entire school is connected to the natural world through natural light, garden spaces, and open areas, and the site lines through the school and to outside help with supervision.
  • 座位角落和小图书馆有儿童大小的空间,为学生提供安静的空间, both in the classrooms and in the shared areas.
  • 学习集群包括围绕共享学习场所的教室和用于集中教学的较小的抽出空间, 允许像语言治疗这样的支持来帮助学生,而不是学生去办公室.
  • The large and welcoming library holds lots of new books for students to read, check out, and share with their families.
  • The family resource center provides a comfortable, welcoming space for families. So far, there has been a family coffee hour, computers used to fill out school forms, and drop-in hours with the family support worker.

Sustainable Design: The new school building is built with highly energy efficient systems. 为了与SPS的清洁能源目标保持一致,没有安装化石燃料(石油,天然气). The roof is designed to accommodate solar panels. A geothermal heating and cooling system ensures a comfortable temperature, enhanced by ceiling fans and operable windows. 通风系统使用100%的新鲜空气,同时在将空气送出建筑物之前回收热量.

More project information and photos

Kimball Elementary School

金博尔小学社区也在周四庆祝了他们的新校舍的回归, August 31.

金博尔小学舞狮队带领校长梅丽莎·格雷和其他领导参观了学校,拉开了仪式的序幕. 当他们穿过空地跳到舞台上时,一群兴高采烈的人欢迎他们进入公共场所.

Lion dancer enters the commons
A two story brick building has a walkway leading toward it
New Kimball Elementary School entrance
two people in a yellow lion dancer costume
Kimball lion dancer performing at school entry
a person in a red lion dancer costume
Red lion dancer performs at the school entry
a large group of people in front of a wall with a map
Enthusiastic audience
three people are shown from just below the waist. the one in the center holds giant scissors
Principal Gray, Superintendent Jones, and President Hersey
a group of people on a stage lean toward a red ribbon with scissors in their hands
Cutting the ribbon

Principal Gray welcomed students, staff, teachers, families, and neighbors. She thanked everyone involved in the project, and most of all, 感谢金博尔家人在临时安置地点的两年里的耐心和灵活性.

During his remarks, 琼斯局长说,学校建筑在提供高质量的学习体验方面发挥着重要作用, and thanked Seattle voters for approving capital levies for school construction.

“This school design was based on the educational needs of student, and also on the hopes and dreams of the school community,” he said. “Welcome to your new home. It has been planned, designed, and constructed specifically to support your success.”

Project Highlights

  • The approximately 98,这幢三层楼的建筑面积达1000平方英尺,可容纳650名学前班到五年级的学生th 并为学校提供了以前没有的空间,如公共场所/自助餐厅, family resource room, and preschool.
  • 该设计保留了许多存在于场地上的树木,外观颜色反映了自然环境.
  • 室外学习空间和外部景观将学生、教师和员工与自然联系起来.
  • 学生们喜欢新学校,尤其是操场,它提供了多种活动选择.
  • 老师们欣赏年级水平的学习舱包括开放的视线和教室之间可操作的玻璃墙, which preserves the collaborative tradition of this formerly open-concept school.
  • Families have complimented the way the library serves as the heart of the school, with beautiful views out the windows, 相邻的学习楼梯为班级提供了一个聚会和学习的场所.
  • 家庭资源空间为员工或家长团体提供了一个舒适的聚会场所,包括电脑和其他资源,以帮助支持家庭目标.
  • Salvaged materials, such as wooden panels and artwork, were preserved and installed in the new building.

Sustainable Design: Like the new James Baldwin Elementary building, the new Kimball Elementary School is built with highly energy efficient systems, no fossil fuels and a roof designed for solar panels. 地热井深埋于操场下方,提供供暖和制冷,营造舒适的环境. 通风系统使用100%的新鲜空气,同时在将空气送出建筑物之前回收热量.

More project information and photos

West Seattle Elementary School

On Wednesday, September 6, 西西雅图小学以传统的庆祝活动和红地毯欢迎学生和家长们开学的第一天. 今年更加特别,因为它包括一个剪彩仪式,以庆祝扩建和翻新项目的完成.

“It takes a lot to be a school community,” she said. “我要感谢我们的社区合作伙伴和我们的新家长团体,西西雅图小学之友.”

a group of people line up behind a red ribbon. all hold scissors. a circular canopy is above and behind them
Lining up to cut the ribbon at West Seattle Elementary School
five people hold pieces of red ribbon and scissors with their hands up to cheer
The ribbon is cut to mark the opening
a two story brick building has a circular entry canopy with colored panels
New entry canopy at West Seattle Elementary School
a child high-fives an adult with other adults around them
High-five welcome!
a crowd of people includes children and adults and are moving toward the camera
Hugs, cheers, and high-fives welcome students
a crowd of people includes children and adults and are moving toward the camera
Students and parents are welcomed by teachers and staff
a crowd of people includes children and adults and are moving toward the camera
Red carpet welcome through the new entrance

The addition includes 12 new classrooms, learning commons, and specialized instruction pull out spaces. 现有建筑的改造更新了所有的教室,并在新的安全前门增加了一个新的充满光线的图书馆.

“This is where opportunity starts,” said Superintendent Jones. “When you enter, you will get a sense of high expectations. This school embodies what we are about at Seattle Public Schools.”

Project Highlights

  • New, approximately 20,000 square foot 2-story addition includes 12 classrooms, learning commons, and small group spaces.
  • A new entry canopy sets a sense of place and clearly marks the front doors.
  • 对现有学校建筑的翻新将行政办公室移到了新的安全入口前厅旁边, inviting visitors to check in at the office before entering the school.
  • 新图书馆直接位于入口上方,有多个外部窗户,学生可以在这里培养对阅读的热爱.
  • A Family Center includes an office for the school social worker, a food pantry, and resources for parents.
  • Outside, new play equipment, a playfield, basketball courts, a bicycle traffic garden, and a school garden offer multiple spaces for outdoor activity.

More project information and photos

Additional September School Openings

Three other schools started the school year in new or renovated buildings.

Viewlands Elementary School returned to a newly constructed replacement school after two years at a temporary site. 更多的工作正在进行中,今年秋天晚些时候将举行开幕庆典.

More project information and photos.

Cascade Parent Partnership cut the ribbon on their newly renovated school on Monday, Sept. 11. North Queen Anne School underwent seismic improvements and upgrades. Spaces were reconfigured to better fit Cascade’s needs including a new playground, a secure entrance, and modernized classrooms and group spaces.

More project information and photos.

美世国际中学在新扩建的Van Asselt临时地点开始了为期两年的学习. 这座建于1909年的标志性建筑被现代化了,并增加了教室和健身房. Replacement of the previously existing Asa Mercer Middle School building is underway.

Van Asselt project information and photos

Mercer project information and photos

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