
Naviance Offers Career and College Exploration for Students

Summary: Families that do not want their student to use Naviance can opt out by changing their preferences in the Source Aug. 9月28日. 29, 2023

高中 and Beyond Planning with Naviance 

十大正规网赌软件 uses Naviance to support students and their families with 高中 and Beyond Planning. 与Naviance, students can explore 职业生涯 and college paths, identify how their talents and 利益 connect to their 职业生涯 and academic goals. 高中 and Beyond Planning is about goal setting, decision making and future planning all with Hope in mind. Naviance provides students with tools to help them identify their 利益 so they can make informed decisions about their future plans. Naviance is now owned by PowerSchool, which is Seattle 学校 Student Information System provider. 

Explore What Makes You Unique The design of StrengthsExplorer® in Naviance identifies your student’s three strongest emerging talents and includes strategies for capitalizing on strengths to apply them towards success in 学校, 职业生涯, 和生活. 

连接 Y我们对职业的兴趣 Based on activities your student enjoys, 个人利益, and 学校 subjects they enjoy, the Career Cluster Finder survey in Naviance ranks which 职业生涯 clusters your student might find most fulfilling. With the Career Interest Profiler in Naviance, your student answers questions related to their 职业生涯 利益 and receives Holland interest codes with matching 职业生涯s. Careers can then be added to a list of favorites for quick reference and to find post-high 学校 programs that will help them reach these 职业生涯s. 

调查 C大学和专业 The tools in Naviance can identify majors and colleges that could prepare your student for a 职业生涯 aligned with their strengths, 利益, 和个性. 

This summer Naviance has made the tool even more student friendly and even more supportive of students’ various 职业生涯 goals. 

Create a plan using Naviance.

Local and National Scholarship Database – Thousands of local and national scholarships are available for application by your student. 奖学金是 

高中 and Beyond Plan – 学校 will be using Naviance to deliver high 学校 and beyond plan lessons in 年级s 6-12. The high 学校 and beyond plan is a graduation requirement, which helps students and 学校 counselors make sure graduation requirements are met and are aligned with identified goals. 

Manage the College Application Process – Track colleges your student is thinking about and an application list – even request electronic 成绩单 to be sent to colleges 

数据安全 十大正规网赌软件 takes data security and privacy very seriously. Power 学校’ policies and practices with respect to preserving data security and student privacy have been thoroughly vetted. Per their privacy policy, PowerSchool’s Naviance may not sell or reuse student data. A comprehensive Data Sharing Agreement is in place to further ensure Naviance abides by the data security and privacy requirements outlined in this contract. 

数据字段 The following data will be loaded to Naviance to maximize the effectiveness of the tool and to ensure that students receive the appropriate supports they need: student first and last name, 用户名, 代理的ID, 学校, 年级, 出生日期, 成绩单, 课程, 平均绩点, 行为/ SAT分数, 种族, 和性别. Student groups can also be created to allow counselors to provide focused supports and interventions (e.g. College Bound Scholarship Recipients, English Language Learners, Running Start, Special Education). To ensure confidentiality, these groups are labeled with a proxy, rather than a group name. 

航空选择退出窗口 Families that do not want their student to use Naviance can opt out by changing their preferences in the Source. 选择退出窗口将是 8月28日- 9月29日. 


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